“At 20 years old (1967), I volunteered for Vietnam and was stationed at Phan Rang AB., 35th Tactical Fighter Wing. I ran computers in a bunker, to track mission sorties and materials reporting. During my stay, I contracted Bacterial Meningitis. My parents were sent a telegram indicating that I might not make it. It was only after I recovered, that was able to send a message via short-wave that I was okay.
“When it was time to return home, I went to Tan Son Nhut airport (Saigon), but the runway was attacked and my jet was diverted to Cam Ranh Bay airport. I quickly thumbed a ride with a Marine convoy to get there in time to catch my flight. On takeoff from Japan, the aircraft lost a tire, and somewhere over the Pacific, the plane lost an engine. We were diverted from Seattle/ Tacoma airport to a military airport. As we approached landing, the pilot announced to take the crash positions, (which we all promptly ignored, because we wanted to look out the windows). The plane hovered up and down the runway, and when it stopped, we piled out.